Starting October 26 - November 19
Unlock your voice with they key to soaring high notes, gorgeous vocal timbre, and pure efficiency: Pharyngeal Resonance. Discover how to make your voice ring without squeezing or strain.

Four Week Intensive Singing Course
Gain consistency in your singing and expand your vocal range. Learn to balance your air flow & air pressure. Fine tune your vocal fold coordinations and discover amazing consistency and impressive control.

Discover the Belt/Mix
Your just found the most advanced, comprehensive online singing course for understanding and developing your belt and mix voice. Apply the formula and experience transformation.

Premium Mentorship
Forget one size fits all singing lessons. Discover 1:1 voice instruction personalized to your specific needs. Experience vocal coaching dedicated to taking your singing to the next level.

the ViBE
Enjoy personal feedback on your singing within a supportive community of like-minded singers. Exclusive content, workshops, discounts, group and individual support, fun and friendship await you on the inside.

Voice ViBE Podcast
The essential podcast designed for singers and vocalists on a quest for excellence. Philippe Hall provides you with expert guidance to accelerate your journey & ignite your personal growth.

"For me, YOUR development is personal!"
Hi! I'm Philippe Hall. Even as an in demand professional singer working around the globe for 30 years straight, I experienced costly mistakes, frustrations & setbacks. Most of my professional colleagues expressed the same sentiment, "I feel there is one thing I'm missing. If I could discover the key to fix that one thing holding me back, my voice would finally be completely free."
What started as a quest to optimize my own singing & advance my career, developed into a system that has helped thousands of singers around the world step into the singer they really are and confidently show up in their lives like never before.
Career highlights